Creating a Culture that Succeeds
The culture of your church, ministry, department, etc., determines success, not a strategy.
Service Description
Organizational culture is the silent code of conduct. When someone new is learning the ropes, they are learning the culture. It is defined as the shared values, attitudes, and practices that characterize an organization. In short, it is the personality of your church, business, or organization. Hence, culture is a crucial element within an organization. Author Peter Drucker is famous for saying, “Culture eats strategy for breakfast.” This means the plans on paper are often much less important than how things get done in actual practice. The culture of your church, ministry, department, etc., determines success, not a strategy. In this module, we come alongside you to assess your current culture, identify your desired culture, and create paths forward to realize the desired culture so that you can achieve your overarching aim.
Contact Details
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01 23 45 67 89